
New research finds ads on BVOD are liked more and better remembered than ads on YouTube

Ads that appear in Broadcaster Video on Demand (BVOD) are more effective and outperform video advertising across YouTube, regardless of whether the ads align with short or longer-form content on the user-generated video platform.

The findings come from the second phase of The Benchmark Series, the largest cross-media advertising effectiveness study ever conducted in Australia.

Conducted by independent audience research lab MediaScience, and overseen by Dr Duane Varan, the study included more than 5,350 participants and ran across 252 websites.

Initial findings of the study, released earlier this year, showed short-form video in premium environments offers 1.8 times better recall and 2.8 times the brand lift than short-form video on run-of-the-internet sites. Furthermore, short-form video in premium environments delivers 1.8 times higher recall than Facebook video. 

The second release of data focuses specifically on premium long-form video, i.e. BVOD, and how it compares to YouTube, Facebook and run-of-the-internet sites, measuring against the metrics of likeability, brand recall and lift.

The top-line findings show BVOD is a superior advertising choice, a finding which correlates with BVOD being Australia’s fastest-growing advertising channel with the medium establishing a new baseline for viewership with more than 81 million hours a month being consumed. This growth is also reflected in revenue for the channel. The six months Jan to June 2021, BVOD saw a revenue increase of 74.8% per cent.

ThinkPremiumDigital General Manager Venessa Hunt said: “From my experience, most clients want two things: they want their ad dollars to work as hard as possible and for consumers to like and want to buy their products. This research shows that ads in BVOD environments deliver superior results in both areas.”

Key findings of the research include:

Ads in BVOD environments are better remembered than ads aligned to YouTube videos of any length

Compared with any length of content on YouTube, advertising in BVOD is 1.3 times better remembered.

BVOD performs even better when compared to short-form YouTube content 

Ads in BVOD are 49 per cent better remembered than ads aligned to YouTube videos that are shorter than nine minutes.

BVOD advertising delivers stronger recall than Facebook video ads

Ads in BVOD are 4.7 times better remembered than video ads on Facebook.

Ads in BVOD are more liked than Facebook, YouTube and run-of-the-internet

The same ad played on BVOD versus YouTube, Facebook and run-of-the-internet sites is better liked with ads in BVOD generating a 15% improvement in likeability over YouTube short- form.

This research proves once again that context matters. Advertising in premium long-form video environments benefits from the content the ads sit alongside with premium content boosting their impact. While the strength of BVOD may already be assumed in-market, these findings provide empirical evidence of the case.
Dr Duane Varan
CEO, MediaScience

Hunt added: “With the digital video universe expanding at an ever-increasing rate, marketers are challenged to distribute video ads across a multitude of platforms. Often the assumption is that reach is all you need; that the ads will work equally well on any digital platform. This research shows that when it comes to ad performance, not all digital video environments are equal.”

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