
Metrics and measurement

Vanity metrics are a sure-fire shortcut for making your campaign look super awesome but the sad reality is, they’re hokum.

Thing is, they just don’t tell you anything that really matters. So what are the metrics you need to forget about? Given they can be bought, social media impressions are a false economy. Likewise, campaign likes or clicks. Instead, you want to focus on the metrics that matter. The gold standard is sales, of course. And anything that can help you to drill down on return on investment (ROI) shouldn’t be sneezed at. At the end of the day, you can’t pay the bills with pageviews. 

silhouette photo of person holding smartphone

10th Aug

Brand safety and digital media

Brand safety is one of those hot industry topics that isn’t going away anytime soon. So what is it?

Brand safety and digital media

Brand safety is one of those hot industry topics that isn’t going away anytime soon. So what is it?

three person standing near wall inside building

10th Aug

Digital and the purchase funnel

The good old purchase funnel gets a bit of an update in the world of digital.

Digital and the purchase funnel

The good old purchase funnel gets a bit of an update in the world of digital.

10th Aug

The digital landscape

Australians are tech-savvy early adopters with some of the highest technology uptake rates in the world.

The digital landscape

Australians are tech-savvy early adopters with some of the highest technology uptake rates in the world.