
Brand safety and digital media

Brand safety is one of those hot industry topics that isn’t going away anytime soon. So what is it?

It’s all about keeping a brand’s reputation safe when it advertises online. That means avoiding the placement of ads next to inappropriate or offensive content. On platforms dominated by unmonitored user-generated content, brand safety is never guaranteed. Ditto ads relying on automated placement.

So that’s what brand safety is but why should you care? According to Magna’s The Brand Safety Effect study, ads appearing near negative content result in a 2.8 times reduction in intent to associate with these brands. We can all agree, that’s something to be avoided. One way to do that is to give risky environments a wide berth in the first place. Brands – and their hard-working agencies – do this by creating white and blacklists. Whitelists breakdown the keywords and terms brands are comfortable with having their ads associated with while blacklists are topics to avoid. Seems simple but actually, it can be rather complicated and knocking out any word a brand sees as negative could actually have a negative effect on the brand. For example, during the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, brands that blocked terms associated with the virus drastically reduced their opportunity to connect with consumers who were hungry for COVID-related information. It’s a delicate dance and not one you can afford to rush.

man wearing headphone using laptop while sitting beside table inside cafe

10th Aug

Metrics and measurement

Vanity metrics are a sure-fire shortcut for making your campaign look super awesome but the sad reality is, they’re hokum. Thing is, they just don’t tell you anything that really matters

Metrics and measurement

Vanity metrics are a sure-fire shortcut for making your campaign look super awesome but the sad reality is, they’re hokum. Thing is, they just don’t tell you anything that really matters

three person standing near wall inside building

10th Aug

Digital and the purchase funnel

The good old purchase funnel gets a bit of an update in the world of digital.

Digital and the purchase funnel

The good old purchase funnel gets a bit of an update in the world of digital.

10th Aug

The digital landscape

Australians are tech-savvy early adopters with some of the highest technology uptake rates in the world.

The digital landscape

Australians are tech-savvy early adopters with some of the highest technology uptake rates in the world.